Smarterial: Manipulations of Thermomagnetic Programmable Matter

Smarterial: Manipulations of Thermomagnetic Programmable Matter

Programmable matter can change its shape, stiffness or other physical properties upon command. Previous work has shown contactless optically controlled matter or magnetic actuation, but the former is limited in strength and the latter in spatial resolution. Here, we...
LeviPrint: 3D Printing and Assembly with Acoustic Levitation

LeviPrint: 3D Printing and Assembly with Acoustic Levitation

LeviPrint is a system for assembling objects in a contactless manner using acoustic levitation. We explore a set of optimum acoustic fields that enables full trapping in position and orientation of elongated objects such as sticks. We then evaluate the capabilities of...
Explouring Mountains with Tangibles and VR

Explouring Mountains with Tangibles and VR

We presented the following demo in congreso Interacción’19 in San Sebastian. “Immersive virtual reality environments allow interaction through generic devices with specific characteristics of such environments: three-dimensional interaction devices or wearable devices...
Intuitive and Automatic Digital Fabrication of Mountains

Intuitive and Automatic Digital Fabrication of Mountains

We developed a Web Front End Tool and the Back End for an intuitive and automatic digital fabrication process of Read the full paper here Cite this Work BibTex: @inproceedings{ardaiz2020interactions, title={Interactions with Digital Mountains: Tangible,...