Sebastián is a Computer Engineer graduated in the University of the Republic (Uruguay). He holds a master in Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media and a PhD in Computer Science from Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain). During his PhD he worked in the design of tangible systems for children with and without visual impairments, specifically for mathematics learning. He is currently working as a postdoc in the Public University of Navarra, where he is researching manipulation techniques and haptic feedback in VR.

He has experience and enjoys working within interdisciplinary groups. He has conducted his investigation following a desgin-based research, developing prototypes and conducting user studies. He bases his research in “people-centered” methodologies such as User-Centered and Participatory Design.

He also has more than 10 years of hands-on professional experience working under several roles within development teams such as: Full-stack developer (JAVA 2EE expertise), security software researcher and team leader/development coordinator.

Specialities: HCI/UX design – User Centered Design – Multimodal Systems – Tangible Interaction – Full Stack Developer – Smart Environments – IOT – Android – Web – Java 

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