Passionate about new technologies. He obtained a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering at the Public University of Navarra.
He has experience as a Web Developer and as an Adroid/iOS App Developer Freelance. He has certifications in Android Application Programming, UNITY: Programming of 2D and 3D Videogames, Team Management from Emotional Intelligence and Gamification.

Voluntary Monitor, Group Coordinator and Web and Communication Manager in Scout Group Vª Tropa Eskaut Taldea.
Volunteer at Navarra Lan Party.

Collaborator of projects in the Public University of Navarra:

  • Nicetrails (2015006119) Development of a web application in Three.js for modelling geo-localized route data that is 3D printable.
  • Topofab (2016006116) Stimulation of creativity and intrinsic motivation by means of a Tablet App. (CAN2015-70206. 2015-2015)
  • Smart Talpher (0011-1365-2017-000200. Government of Navarra-Department of Economic Development 2017-2019)
    • Distributed execution, pySpark, mapReduce, ElasticSearch, logstash, docker, kibana, VM’s, LXC, proxmox. Dashboards configuration for data visualization through Kibana.
  • Smart Thermal Floor (0011-1365-2018-000163. Government of Navarra-Department of Economic Development 2018-2019)