Naroa is a computer engineer graduated from the Public University of Navarre (UPNA). She is passionate about integrating theory and practice in engineering to find novel solutions that help people on a daily basis.
She studied an expert degree about AI in the UNED and the Data Science and Machine Learning expert degree at UPNA because she believes that integrating AI into engineering solutions can lead to great outcomes. She studied the Master in Computer Engineering at UPNA as well.
She worked as a full stack developer at Openbravo. After that she worked as a project assistant at Upna, creating a Random Forest algorithm capable of detecting crop types from raster images. After that, she started working at Tracasa as a consultant for the European Environment Agency. This job gave her the chance to go to Copenhagen during 6 months to work at the European Environment Agency as a software consultant.
She has started working as a teacher at Upna and as a researcher in the UpnaLAB group.